昨晚我正在幫韋恩按摩,Van也好奇的按了按爸爸的臂膀, 她觀察我的按摩手功很久後...說:
It's like playing the play-doh!
我當場笑翻了,小朋友的想像力真是超級驚人! 當然,韋恩對自己被比喻成play-doh並不怎麼高興就是了...
這種情緒,我感覺似曾相識.去年底在Cronulla發生的種族暴動,使的土生土長的oz和移民社會間的衝突浮上表面.尤其是中東背景的移民與澳洲社會的格格不入,在媒體報導上看的很清楚.他們的多妻制,漠視澳洲當地legal system等等履履成為新聞素材.
我呆了一下.從小對這個議題就相當敏感的我,試著中立的說:It's a touchy issue, isn't it? But the situation here is not quite the same like Taiwan. 不過,這的確是一個很有趣的聯想.
下線後我開始思考她的聯想,我的直覺反應是: huh? Isn't that the other way around? 應該是"外省人不認同自己是台灣人吧?"但其實就連這一句也是過度狹化.看看國民黨裏有多少"河洛人",而民進黨裏有多少"外省人"就知道用省籍分類是行不通的.
昨天我看了一段短片, 主講人是一個Lebannese American.因為有這樣特別的背景,她對這兩方的複雜情結更有其獨到的切入點.身為一個photographer,她太知道影像對人們的衝擊.對於2003開始的Iraq war, 她對當時一面倒的媒體報導的想法讓我想到台灣近年來的藍綠大戰-
How are people going to communicate with each other when they are getting
completely different messages ?How are people supposed to have a common understanding and know how to
move together to the future?
Chris Brogan 寫的這篇14 tips for communicating ideas列出七個重點提醒presenter:
1. Learn more than one way to present your idea.
2. Practice pitching your idea on friends, strangers, supportive and hostile listeners.
3. Tailor the way you talk about your idea to the person you’re talking with.
4. Check in. Are they following? Let them ask questions.
5. Use your audience’s words to explain your idea. You can correct misunderstandings later.
6. Allow “white space” around the ideas. Don’t overwhelm them with content.
7. Try to close with actions, even if that’s to get the person to critique the idea better than, “Oh, that sounds neat.”聽來很有趣,但是怎麼做?對我這個缺乏表演戲胞的人,還是有點困難.
我很喜歡他對presentator 的mindframe的比喻.他說你要假設自己和相要present的對象同搭一部電梯,一路上你只有60秒的時間發表你的想法,這時你就要思考:
1. What are the BARE BONES of the idea?
2. How few words can you use, and still get meaning across? (example: we fill up your ipod).
3. Can you use “crossover” ideas. “Like TV and Radio, only two-way.”
4. What is most confusing? Can you change it?
5. Would a picture help?
6. How much can be explained later without hurting the conversation now?
7. What’s your next sentence, after this new, distilled one?對我而言,這7頁守則更有提醒的作用.希望下學期的presentation會做的更好!
對於吳淑珍的身體狀況,不論是心向那一邊的台灣人都應該有所警惕.曾經在那個年代,說真話會禍延家人.對於這樣的一個歷史事件,身為新聞專業人員的張雅琴更應該謹慎處理.但她卻編了個歷史上從未發現的新事證: 「廿三年前,吳淑珍遭遇一場車禍,…肇事司機外傳是一位扁迷…」。
當然,三立新聞部未對此做回應. 我也想學Turton對所有亂編的政治和媒體人物說:
TED是一個鼓勵科技與藝術原創的社群組織, TED 代表的是Technology Entertainment Design. 每一年 TED 都會舉辦為期4天的會議.討論的主題不單是科技,娛樂與設計,實事上,只要是和我們居住的這個地球有關的議題,都在TED的討論範圍內.
我在這個網站上看了許多很有趣的演講,他們的影片品質很不錯,其中前副總統高爾針對全球溫室效應的環保議題所做的演講,非常有趣詼諧.他在演講中也不忌諱開開自己選戰失敗的玩笑,但語氣溫和不失君子風範.最重要的是,他整理出幾項可以從個人與企業出發的環保作為供聽眾參考,也呼籲不管是民主或是共和黨都能一起為改善CLIMATE CRISIS努力.
I'ts not a political issue. ...The republican here...you have more influence
than some of us democrats. This is an opportunity to connected to ideas here
and bring more coherence here. So we are one.
昨天好玩的到敦煌書局網站post自己的另一個blog-Annie's corner.沒想到馬上就在敦煌的網站上被大大的批了一番,只因為自己寫的最近2篇文章有提到自己對台灣目前的感想.老實說我看了那些留言只有淡淡的笑笑.怎麼這些人的行事風格都這麼類似?
昨晚放Formosa Betrayed預告片給韋恩看.他看了後有點不解的問那裏值得我流淚?我只好說: 你不懂啦! 說真的,那個外國人會理解台灣人的心酸呢? 從葡萄牙人到國民黨政府戰敗來台,台灣人從來沒有參與決定自己命運的權利.只能眼睜睜的看著別人在自己的土地上插上別人的旗幟.
預告片的風格挺好萊塢的,希望台灣的故事能讓越來越多人知道.記得在墨爾本旅行時遇到的那個瑞士女生完全不知道有台灣這個國家.我只好說..Uh...it's close to Japan.
韋恩笑我說...你怎麼不說 it's close to China哩? 對也!我當然的回答也是脫口而出,就是沒想到台灣的另一邊...嗯........有意思.
今早邊吃早餐邊看technorati發現一個有趣的blog-CSR: customer service report.其中有一篇文章名為How to fix your trip. 詳列出若旅途中不幸遭到人為疏失而產生的意外插曲,你該如何和"債主"打交道.
他詳列出10大file a complain的原則.我也交叉比對一下他的建議和這次的APT事件.其中有一點我很能認同, 就是保持理性.在開始寫信前先深呼吸一口氣,不要讓怒氣引導自己寫作的風格.另外還有一點就是,避免威脅的口氣.客服處每天處理的抱怨信件太多了,語帶威脅只會讓自己的抱怨信件更不見天日.還好,這兩點我都做到了.:-)
G’day, ..............,
How are you? Thank you for the follow-ups and the communication with the APT. While we understand the “hiccups” are inevitable, we do not see their serious reflection over this incident. Instead, the letter seems to imply that we should hold the responsibility of missing the bus.
We’d like to emphasize once again that we wait on the right side of the hotel (In fact, there are only two sides we can wait. How hard can it be to find us?). We were there 10 minutes earlier. We stay in the same spot for over 50 minutes. We did not move. And most importantly, we don’t have any “language difficulties” to understand the pick-up place and time written on our recipient.
We are glad to learn that APT care about their customers. However, they didn’t explain the reason of why they fail to contact us by mobile, hence we already paid full fee two days ago. They also fail to offer a constructive suggestion when we contact them, instead, the lady who picked up the phone on that morning blamed us for this incident!
We sincerely hope that APT can start taking responsibility of such “hiccups”. You never know how these “hiccups” can ruin a wonderful vacation.
Thanks again for your efforts!
Annie Tsai
昨天收到墨爾本INFORMATION DESK轉寄來的APT的信.這封信是針對我和Noporate寫的complain letter所做的回應.內容不外乎再次重申APT對顧客的承諾及他們的獲獎紀錄云云.對於我們提出的疑惑(例如為何沒有先電話聯絡顧客)並沒有做回應.其中有一段還對這件事的起因做了歸納
Sometimes our pickup coaches and our passengers miss their
connection due to many reasons: passengers waiting in the wrong place,
passengers late, language difficulties, coaches late and passengers move
away etc. When this does occur our drivers must contact our office before
they can be given permission to leave the pick up point. The driver looks
for the passenger, checks with the receptionist/concierge and then checks
with APT office.
看到這裏我不禁苦笑了一下,他列出的原因中4項有3項是肇因於顧客.其中有一項還是Language difficulties! 對於他們事先收了顧客的錢卻未履約,有顧客手機紀錄卻未聯絡的事未做任何澄清與回應.我除了轉寄信件給Noporate之外,也告訴她我要再寫一封信才會罷休.她顯然是覺得澳洲官方處理事情的態度從這件事情上就看的出來一些端倪,也勸我就算了吧!
很想把APT的信貼出來,不過似乎這樣有違著作權法.因為剛剛要貼時注意到EMAIL末端有一小段警告文字:-P 總之,我今天就要寫封回信,讓他們知道我們可不是被哄大的!
有天站在家附近的SHOPPING CENTRE前等韋恩,忍不住就開始想,在這麼平坦的國家,大概很少有被從高樓跳下自殺的人壓死的新聞吧? 我在想什麼啊?
我還在網路上找到一個網站是可以標示出相關位置與road direction的,很好用哩! 圖上粉色highlight表示起始點.
Hawkesburry的小港口很乾淨可愛.港口旁停著一艘艘各式不同的船.港口相當乾淨,是看夕陽的好地方! 他們還在港口的一個角落規劃了一個天然泳池,照片裏的柵欄是幹嘛的呢?是為了KEEP THE SHARKS AWAY!! WOW....
We both are international students studying in Sydney and wanted to enjoy our holidays in Melbourne for 6 days. The trip was great as we saw many beautiful and interesting touristy sites. Unfortunately, there was an unpleasant incident during our stay in Melbourne which should not have occurred.
We booked three travel packages through the Information Centre located in the Federation Square on 27/6/2006. We were informed of the time (8:15 am.) and venues (Friendly BackPacker on King Street and Little Burke) to be picked up. Of course, we fully paid in cash during the time we booked and got very excited to go on the excursions. The first and third trips went well, but the second trip (on 29/6/06) did not because neither a bus nor a tour guide showed up at the venue and the time we were informed. As a matter of fact, we were right there 10 minutes before the pick-up time. Fortunately, we have a considerate and responsible eyewitness from Fee, an employee at Melbourne Connection Hostel where we stayed during our first three nights. Fee was on duty that morning and checked us out around 8:05. Right afterward we went across the street to wait for the tour bus.
We waited until 8:45 and started to get nervous because the tour bus delayed. One of us went back to the Melbourne Connection and asked Fee for help, so she made a phone call to APT (Australia Pacific Tour) to find out what went wrong. The outcome turned to be awkward and rather ridiculous (we have to say). APT claims to be the best travel agency in Melbourne, but its professional responsibility for customers did not reveal to us. They said it was our fault not to be there on time; the bus driver drove around the block twice. Therefore, they could not do anything about it. Thankfully, Fee was in our shoes since she knew we were there waiting and waiting for the bus, and the bus never passed by on that day. Fee tried to negotiate for us on the phone which did not seem simple because of APT’s attitude. To shorten it, we had to go for another trip that we didn’t plan for; otherwise, we would lose the money and our day would be spoiled.
What really bothers us though is that they never try to contact us since we left them our mobile phone number when we booked. Please note that we already paid full fee for that trip two days ago.
We found this incident left us a really bad image toward Melbourne. We cannot understand how the travel agent can take the money beforehand and still leave their customers without even trying to contact them. The Information Centre also failed to positively respond to the tourists’ complaints.
We really appreciate the atmosphere and cultural heritage in Melbourne. But we also like to contribute our experience for your reference. There are rooms to improve in regards to the service quality. We certainly hope this incident doesn’t reflect the cultural heritage of Melbourne. And we really can’t share our stories in Melbourne without warning our friends to watch out for such misshapenness.
And once again, we ’d like to emphasize that Fee working for Melbourne Connection helped us a lot, more than the help we got from the Information Centre.
Thank you for your time of processing our complaints. We would like to know if this can make a difference for the beautiful Melbourne city.
Pei Jin Tsai
Noparat Tananuraksakul
As I mentioned in my last post, Noporate and I decided to file a complain to the Melbourne City. We did. After a not-so-easy searching for the chanels for complains, I finally find the email address. I wrote an email detailing our experience and stressed how much we love Melbourne and hoping our contribution can somehow better the city.
We received two emails from the city of Melbourne. One of the email seems very sincere:
.....I hope this has not been the experience of too many others.
Both letters also stressed that they are going to act on this problem. However, Noporate and I are very skeptical that we'll ever hear from the Melbourne City Government again. But, still, instead of taking the s*it, I want to raise the question and make them see. If everyone of us make the effort of acting on injustice, I believe we're shaping the history in a positive way!