Chris Brogan 寫的這篇14 tips for communicating ideas列出七個重點提醒presenter:
1. Learn more than one way to present your idea.
2. Practice pitching your idea on friends, strangers, supportive and hostile listeners.
3. Tailor the way you talk about your idea to the person you’re talking with.
4. Check in. Are they following? Let them ask questions.
5. Use your audience’s words to explain your idea. You can correct misunderstandings later.
6. Allow “white space” around the ideas. Don’t overwhelm them with content.
7. Try to close with actions, even if that’s to get the person to critique the idea better than, “Oh, that sounds neat.”聽來很有趣,但是怎麼做?對我這個缺乏表演戲胞的人,還是有點困難.
我很喜歡他對presentator 的mindframe的比喻.他說你要假設自己和相要present的對象同搭一部電梯,一路上你只有60秒的時間發表你的想法,這時你就要思考:
1. What are the BARE BONES of the idea?
2. How few words can you use, and still get meaning across? (example: we fill up your ipod).
3. Can you use “crossover” ideas. “Like TV and Radio, only two-way.”
4. What is most confusing? Can you change it?
5. Would a picture help?
6. How much can be explained later without hurting the conversation now?
7. What’s your next sentence, after this new, distilled one?對我而言,這7頁守則更有提醒的作用.希望下學期的presentation會做的更好!