這是一篇來自Bangkok Post有關殘障奧運的報導.
Taiwan's Paralympics javelin gold medalist Chiang Chih-chung has been barred from defending his title at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing this month, it was reported Wednesday.
javelin是什麼? 根據AskOxford:
noun a long, light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon.
台灣參與殘障奧運的選手又被中國擋在門外,悲哀的是,This is nothing new for the Taiwanese...
"For the IPC to make such a decision, China must be interfering behind the scenes," said Lai Fu-huan of CTPC's standing committee.
interfering behind the scenes不言自喻,和中文的"在幕後指使操控"幾乎有異曲同功之妙呢!
Taiwan's Sports Minister Tai Shia-ling did not accuse China of political interference, but said there should be a standard procedure to decide the participation of athletes in sports events.
"If China has blocked Chiang from the games for no reason, then it might have political implications, but the matter needs to be probed," the Taipei Times quoted her as saying.
"The matter needs to be probed?" Isn't that obvious enough already? Beijin doesn't give a shit of whether you are pan-blue or pan-green! They simply don't care!