

翻譯外電這件事,不是人人都能翻得精準.但是把人家有講的說沒講,把當時不是重點的放大處理,這個大概就是為官方服務的媒體了吧? 中廣會不會變成台灣的新華社呢? 以下比較12月10中廣記者劉芳與華盛頓郵報原始的報導(12月9日)


華郵專訪馬英九:我當總統家人失業 好總統領導清廉政府




Q: Given the global downturn and the current financial crisis, how quickly will Taiwan see some of the benefits of closer economic ties with China, and given rising unemployment, do you feel any political pressure to move more slowly?  針對全球性的經濟衰退與各種經濟危機,與中國日益密切的台灣何時才能開始獲益?而對目前日益高昇的失業率,你是否面臨任何政治壓力促使您放慢開放的腳步?

Q: So no political pressure to move more slowly? 所以沒有任何政治壓力促使您把腳步放慢嗎?

Q: If you still see Taiwan as a democratic model for China, how can Taiwan influence political developments on the mainland, given the various issues during this Olympic year? And is unification impossible if the Tiananmen massacre issue isn’t resolved?如果您視台灣為中國的一個自由的典範,但是眼見奧運期間發生的多項人權議題,台灣如何在政治體制發展上影響中國?而天安門事件若懸而未決的話,統一有可能嗎?

Q: Other examples? And what about the Tiananmen issue?(馬英九提及中國人民欽羨台灣的民主等等)您還能舉出其他的例子嗎? 還有天安門事件呢?

Q: On Tiananmen, you’re not going to say [whether unification is possible without resolution]? (馬英九類比中國政府處理天安門事件與川震事件的不同態度,並肯定中國已經比較開放,因此記者追問)那天安門事件呢?您不打算對懸而未決的天安門事是否會影響統一的願景提出說明嗎?

Q: How about your long-term vision about whether Taiwan will eventually be a sovereign member of an organization, Greater China but an organization like the E.U.? Or whether it will be more like Austria vis-à-vis Germany: same culture, separate sovereignty. Or, what can you say in the long term [about] what a cross-strait framework would look like? 那麼您對台灣的長期目標為何?台灣將來會是大中國華經濟組織的會員,或是會像奧地利亞與德國一樣同文化,不同的主權國家?

Q: You’ve suggested a diplomatic truce, no more checkbook diplomacy, if China gives Taiwan more breathing space. How has China responded, and what concrete examples do you have that this truce is working? Some people say China is not providing enough in return.您建議的外交休兵,強調廢除金錢外交以換取中國給予台灣更多的國際空間,對此中國截止目前為止如何回應?有任何實際的例子佐證這樣的休兵策略是有效的嗎? 有些人反應中國並沒有任何實質的回應?

Q: When do you expect Taiwan to be in the World Health Organization?您對台灣加入世衛組織有任何時間表嗎?

Q: For government to government talks next year, what are the obstacles? What kind of breakthroughs might we see in the near future? 針對明年兩岸官方會談有任何困難嗎? 在近期內我們會看到任何新的突破與進展嗎?

Q: What about Taiwan’s proposed status in the WHO? 那關於台灣提出的世衛組織會員資格呢?

Q: Will closer China ties for Taiwan lead in the long term to fewer arms purchases from Washington?與中國日益密切的關係在長期而言會降低台灣對華盛頓的軍武購買嗎?

Q: Were Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie’s remarks [reported Monday, calling for an end to such sales] then just boilerplate? 中國外長日前對此軍購案呼籲結束軍購的回應是否只是作戲呢?

Q: The recent protests turned so violent, people on the mainland and elsewhere looked at that and said it was crazy –最近的抗議事件最後衍生暴力,許多中國人與世界各地的觀眾都覺得那是相當瘋狂的事件

Q: To outsiders or to critics, how can a democratic legal system hold someone for up to four months without charge?對局外人或評論者想問的是,一個自稱是民主自由的法制國家怎麼能在沒有罪名之下羇押一個人長達4個月?

Q: Is there anything I’ve failed to ask you, especially as it relates to the current economy?是否還有其他事情您想要陳述而我還未問及?,尤其是有關近期的經濟狀況?


When I was inaugurated my wife actually got early retirement because she didn’t want to do anything that might have a conflict of interest. She also asked her brother to quit his job because his company has some business dealings with state-run corporations here. I also asked my elder sister to quit her job, so I always joke that in my family, while I am employed, three people lost their jobs. I just want to get rid of these potential conflict of interests.



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crystalannie 提到...


Unknown 提到...

誇張的媒體和一堆想瞞天過海的上位者再加上一大群非文盲卻盲從的可悲人民,這真是一部可笑又可悲的戲劇,連偉大的英國文學家莎士比亞William Shakespeare 看了也要搖頭吧!?

匿名 提到...

誇張的媒體和一堆想瞞天過海的上位者再加上一大群非文盲卻盲從的可悲人民,這真是一部可笑又可悲的戲劇,連偉大的英國文學家莎士比亞William Shakespeare 看了也要搖頭吧!?

crystalannie 提到...


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