

同時收到這2篇外電,呈現出2種相當不同的氛圍.馬總統對兩岸的柔性策略之所以被許多人以為是wishful thinking實在其來有自.


第一篇是來自International Herald Tribute,Taiwan celebrates national day with call for peace.


Ma said his efforts to alleviate tensions across the 100-mile- (160 kilometer-) wide Taiwan Strait "have won the international community's affirmation."


alleviate  verb. make easier

ex. Please help alleviate the problem.

"We have pushed forward with direct cross-strait charter flights (and) visits by tour groups from mainland China," he said. "The aim of these initiatives is to create a more open, stable environment for cross-strait interaction."


Despite relief that Chen is out of office and a relatively sympathetic, anti-independence figure has replaced him, Chinese leaders still hew to their traditional position that Taiwan is part of the mainland.

Nor have they renounced their repeated threats to attack if Taiwan ever moves to make its 59-year break with the mainland permanent.

hew to
hew to the tenets of one's political party 遵泰自己政黨的信條



verb: give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations

第二篇外電則來自於加拿大的Vancouver Sun,Steer clear of Taiwan, Beijing warns U.S. candidates

"Appropriately handling the Taiwan issue is the crucial political foundation of Sino-U.S. ties," China's foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang warned on Thursday.

He was responding to questions about the support voiced by John McCain and Barack Obama for a recently announced arms sale to Taiwan worth $6.5 billion.

"謹慎處理台灣問題是決定中美關係基調的重要關鍵"中國外長Qin Gang於週四提出警告.此番談話是在回應美國兩位總統候選人近日支持價值6.5億美元的對台軍售案.

Beijing has embarked on a massive modernization and weapons acquisition program for the People's Liberation Army since the first Gulf War in 1990 when China realized how outclassed its armed forces were by American battlefield technology.


A major success of China's modernization program has been to build and buy a submarine fleet, now including nearly 80 boats, that effectively deters U.S. warships from rushing to the aid of Taiwan, a vibrant democracy with one of the world's most developed economies.


Despite Taiwan's democratic credentials, successive American presidents going back to Richard Nixon have tried to diminish relations with the island in favour of courting Beijing. But they have always been curbed by Taiwan's significant support in Congress.

verb: seek someone's favor
Courtship "paying court to a woman with intention of marriage" is from 1596.


China, the leaked draft says, aims "to subject the United States to coercive nuclear threats to limit potential U.S. intervention in a regional conflict" over Taiwan and Washington should react with increased nuclear, conventional and space-based weapons in the Pacific theatre.


coercive adj.
persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats




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