
昨天收到墨爾本INFORMATION DESK轉寄來的APT的信.這封信是針對我和Noporate寫的complain letter所做的回應.內容不外乎再次重申APT對顧客的承諾及他們的獲獎紀錄云云.對於我們提出的疑惑(例如為何沒有先電話聯絡顧客)並沒有做回應.其中有一段還對這件事的起因做了歸納
Sometimes our pickup coaches and our passengers miss their
connection due to many reasons: passengers waiting in the wrong place,
passengers late, language difficulties, coaches late and passengers move
away etc. When this does occur our drivers must contact our office before
they can be given permission to leave the pick up point. The driver looks
for the passenger, checks with the receptionist/concierge and then checks
with APT office.

看到這裏我不禁苦笑了一下,他列出的原因中4項有3項是肇因於顧客.其中有一項還是Language difficulties! 對於他們事先收了顧客的錢卻未履約,有顧客手機紀錄卻未聯絡的事未做任何澄清與回應.我除了轉寄信件給Noporate之外,也告訴她我要再寫一封信才會罷休.她顯然是覺得澳洲官方處理事情的態度從這件事情上就看的出來一些端倪,也勸我就算了吧!
很想把APT的信貼出來,不過似乎這樣有違著作權法.因為剛剛要貼時注意到EMAIL末端有一小段警告文字:-P 總之,我今天就要寫封回信,讓他們知道我們可不是被哄大的!


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