


1. 看那些老在書架上蒙灰的大部頭書- 張戎寫的毛澤東傳、生命中的經濟遊戲、現在則在啃魔鬼的詩篇(作者就是那個因為出了這本書被回家世界下追殺令的傢伙)。說到這,也是有一次在寫報告時才知道這本書在世界各地出版時都引起不小的風浪,其中還包括日文本的譯者後來被發現橫死在自家中。人們到底可以為信仰付出多少代價呢?

2. 粉刷房間- 我選的是薄荷綠,不幸那是多前的選擇,等到我終於想到要用完剩下的塗料時B&B己經不出產這種顏色了只好選了個相近的色調,完成後還算看的過去。

3. 安排我們的旅程- 因為安排w來認識台灣的關係,越來越發現自己真是台灣通。人們總是對身邊的環境較冷感,最後反而對異鄉的城市較有積極的作為去認識。我訂了花蓮的兩間民宿,還準備和他一起搭高鐵到高雄玩32夜。高鐵和高雄對我和他都是第一次呢! 整治後的愛河聽說亮麗萬分,我和w要好好去玩一下! 我也因此發現了urmap這個好用的網站,類似GPS的線上/社群版。

4. 整理照片- 回國也半年了,這幾天重溫在澳洲的時光以及和w一起探索台灣時留下的點點滴滴,當然還有和家人們共遊的照片,全都雜七雜八的一點兒都沒有系統的就堆在電腦裏.今天先把部份的墨爾本行照片放上去,再重溫一下這個優雅的城市.

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Summer in Taiwan

Okay, I was supposed to go down under to get away this sizzling heat. The plane booked, luggage packed, money wired...then my visa was delayed. At first I can't believe this is happening again. It's like a bad nightmare repeats itself one more time with the same villain and the same gruesome plot.

Then I realized that the more I push, the less I got. Things like this has already beyond my hands. It's not that I don't fight hard enough, it's just bad luck, I guess?

Thinking back the whole story of study in AU, I've never seen anyone else suffer like this. To a person who rarely go to the hospital, the endless health examination and x-rays can drive one crazy. To prove that you are NOT ILL is far more difficult than the other way around. The doctor here agrees on my good physical condition, but it is still not enough to prove I'm not ill???

Don't ask me the logic. I don't get it, either.

I almost lost my temper in my last conversation with the AU. office here. I wouldn't even go there again if it it's not that I have someone special there....

Is it some kind of test? or a sign, maybe?

Well, we've decided to enjoy the summer here instead. He's flying here and I'm going to be the tour guide to show him around.

We're going to Kaoshiung, the Taroko Gauge, Hualien and some neighboring places, too. Gonna try some B & B places in Hualien this time. Hopefully we'll have some good pics to post then?

Luckily I got to extend my plane tickets till next Jan.

Today's food for thoughts- Half an Hour: Things You Really Need to Learn

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Is it inefficiency or simply indifferent?

經過半年後,我終於收到畢業證書.但可是經過一番折騰.首先MQ不知何故把畢業證書直接寄回台灣,我只好再快遞回澳洲請男友做認證.真不知他們的行政到底在做什麼?接著因為認證須要學校特定人士在畢業證書上簽名,我和GRADUATION UNIT數個月前就聯絡好,那位KATE小姐也說明我只要附上一張紙條說明我因認證須要簽名即可.


只好起個大早打電話給KATE,耐著性子問她為什麼沒有簽名,她卻說有這種SPECIAL REQUIREMENT就要用SPECIAL DELIVERY...我只好語帶諷刺的提醒她若她就是當初和我通EMAIL的那個KATE,那時她可沒提到這一點...


"I really can't tell you what happened here..."

Gosh.....somehow I feel like I'm talking to an alien...one that certainly doesn't possess higher intellect.

How do I feel about Australia?

Well, I love the nature, the efforts the people there to protect the environment, but honestly they got a lot lot to work on in other areas, BUREAUCRATIC EFFICIENCY is definitely one of them.

And this is just one of the many experiences I have with the Australian bureaucrats.

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