經過半年後,我終於收到畢業證書.但可是經過一番折騰.首先MQ不知何故把畢業證書直接寄回台灣,我只好再快遞回澳洲請男友做認證.真不知他們的行政到底在做什麼?接著因為認證須要學校特定人士在畢業證書上簽名,我和GRADUATION UNIT數個月前就聯絡好,那位KATE小姐也說明我只要附上一張紙條說明我因認證須要簽名即可.
只好起個大早打電話給KATE,耐著性子問她為什麼沒有簽名,她卻說有這種SPECIAL REQUIREMENT就要用SPECIAL DELIVERY...我只好語帶諷刺的提醒她若她就是當初和我通EMAIL的那個KATE,那時她可沒提到這一點...
"I really can't tell you what happened here..."
Gosh.....somehow I feel like I'm talking to an alien...one that certainly doesn't possess higher intellect.
How do I feel about Australia?
Well, I love the nature, the efforts the people there to protect the environment, but honestly they got a lot lot to work on in other areas, BUREAUCRATIC EFFICIENCY is definitely one of them.
And this is just one of the many experiences I have with the Australian bureaucrats.