
Get to and from Changi airport

Though I stayed in Singapore for one day only, I still managed to spend most of my money before going home. The things is I actually have to open my wallet, carefully count the coins and 2 dollar notes one by one to make sure I have enough money for shuttle bus fare.


Then I realized that taking MRT is a much sensible choice of traveling. Singapore MRT website is pretty user friendly.  Check out the online calculator for the fare of a ride. Then you can decide which way to go, the $9 shuttle bus? or the $1.9 MRT( from the Matraa to airport)? 


One thing to keep in mind is that if you intend to book the shuttle bus to pick up from hotel, you need to book the service 2 hours ahead!!

If you are taking MRT, avoid Central station as much as possible. There are just too many people happen to be in the same place!! Check the network map to find an alternative transfer spot. 

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How do you define good service? My stay in the Matraa backpacker hostel, Singapore

I booked the airport shuttle bus service on arrival to Singapore in late hours. It has been 10 years since my last visit to Singapore and I wonder if things have changed a lot. Airport shuttle bus service is in fair price(9 SGD P/P) and easily accessible in the airport lobby. The city-country is still as sparkling as ever in the evening yet I can't help feeling lonely. I think this would be my last solo trip. Traveling without a companion can be a tremendous stress for girls. Here's another example.

I stayed in the Matraa backpackers hostel for 2 nights. The accommodation is cheap but unfortunately it's at the rim of the city, which is a bit far away from everything else. It doesn't even get to show on the Singapore official map! The advantage is its 7-minute walking distance from the nearest MRT station, Farrar Park.

The host of the backpacker hostel welcomed me with bright broad smile. One of the staff showed me the double room I booked. I can see my roommate has taken the lower bunk. I tried to catch up some sleep after finishing my shower (the place is small but clean) and rang W and Dad via Skype. The bed is the most shaky one I have ever slept on, worse than the one I slept in Melbourne. The handrail is shaky and noisy. There's no way you can get up without waking up your roommate.

So I slept on and off until 4am. I heard someone turning the key. Someone came in the room, someone took off the cloth, someone made squeaky noises when climbing up the bed.

I was wondering for the next 10 minutes.....Is my roommate male or female? It supposed to be a she? But I can sense that person sleeping downstairs is not a GIRL! So I climb down the bed and gave a quick glance over the lower bunk. There he is, sleep like a log.

My double room roommate is a guy, a stranger!


So 4:30 in the morning I went downstairs to make the complain. The indian boy seemed surprise to learn the news then he tried to comfort me with "No problem!"


I have no where else to go but going back to the room and wait for a new day to start.

8:30 am in the morning I packed my stuff and hurry downstairs to ask for a new room, which the Indian boy promised.

Later on the host of the Mitraa explained that the booking info from Hostel. com doesn't specify gender, which inevitably leads to unexpected room arrangement.

He even claimed that Europeans and American girls usually don't mind to share rooms with guys.

Is it true? I think not!

But then again The Matraa does have its  own advantages. Friendly staff, for one thing, is one of them.

On the second day in Singapore, my poor sense of direction put me in almost an hour of search for the Matraa after a day's walkabout. The Matraa is situated on the Race course road and the road is extremely long. By the time I finally find the Matraa, I've got blister on my right foot.

One of the Asian-background Singaporean offered two bandages right after I ask for help. For that, The Matraa is still a nice lovely place for budget traveler. 

It is, however, a no no if you have an issue to share a room with guys. Also, I wouldn't recommend it to someone who care a little more about sleeping quality.

Cute postal service car and tax refund





你可以選擇將退稅金額退至信用卡或以現金退稅,不過對只退15元的我,還是拿現金好用吧?!拿著15元新幣走到轉角就花掉了,15元剛好可以買一本早就想買的Stieg Larsson小說第二集:-)在新加坡買比澳洲便宜吔? 真奇怪.

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Formosa betrayed被出賣的台灣....會有機會在台灣看到嗎?

偶然之間在雲的痕跡發現Formosa Betrayed新的預告片.實在很想看這部片子,但我是很懷疑這部片子.會/能.進到台灣.這不合當權者的調吧?!



The quiet side of Praha- Vysehrad

This is a journal late for 6 months. I thought I'll never forget my days in Praha but apparently memory subsides with or without your consent. So I'd better start writing down things I still remember.


Leaving the hustle and bustle Praha city behind, I found my way to where everything started in Praha, Vysehrad. It took me a while to find the right direction. Police were everywhere on that day. I wonder what was the occasion for such tight security? While I stroll on the quiet lanes in the neighborhood, an attractive mural came in sight. I guess anyone would love to see "the whole picture" under the circumstances. So I took a few steps closer to have a better look ..... hehehehe


Would you say "ah" or "wow"?

Such mural would never exists in Taiwan. But I kind of like it:-)

It is said that Vysehrad was founded in the 10th century.

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I'll never tired of doors and gates here. They all come in different styles, patterns and history. I must compile a showcase of Praha doors and gates someday!

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I came across this information center on the way to the cemetary. It doesn't look very welcoming. I mean what kind of information center would have door closed during office hour?

CIMG2617 CIMG2616Still I decided to go in and see if I can grab a map there. It looked very gloomy inside, the lady wasn't showing her hospitality and I smell booze. It didn't take long to realize they don't want to be interrupted by tourists. So I left with the repeting wonders in my head: What's wrong with the information centers here?

They don't smile. They don't speak English; and even if they do, they don't talk much as to showcase their country to tourists. Is it just me or them? Maybe I'll enjoy a better service if I speak German?

Anyway, the cenmetary is a great place to visit. This is where the celebrities and important people buried in Chezch. I love the atmosphere and the versertile ways Chezch people honor their beloved ones..

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Check out the pictures I took in Vysehrad here. Don't worry, there's nothing scarry but beautiful works of art.

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fighting against the depression

This is the third week.

I'm healthy, was recognized in some small way, usually optimistic, and my life have been going pretty smoothly. Just cleared up my debt from study abroad and managed to travel to exotic places by myself. I was confident, happy, resourceful and yet here I am struggling to pull myself together for nearly 3 weeks so far.

It started with that damn workshop. I was wrong not to defense myself right then and there. Now I'm on the verge of falling in the big black hole with no sign of light. My pride has been replaced with self-pity and lots of fake smiles.

I've lost my faith and energy in developing myself. I've faced failure before but was never hit that hard. It feels like an endless path with dim light and little hope of seeing something worthy on the way.

10 minutes ago I keyed in"fighting against depression" in google search.

I've never dreamed of one day I'll need to know that.

Part of me is afraid to talk about it with anyone, including my families. Yet part of me hoping I can recorded this process of coming out as a way of self-healing.

The Fight Against Depression The Fight Against Depression Joshua Cocks The fight against depression


Free walk in Praha


Joining a free walk group is a great way to start your day in Prague. It helps to learn the city in 2 hours plus you get the chance to ask insider's idea of where to eat and hangout. Then you get to develop your own itenery in the following days.

Free is indeed fasinating for most budget travellers but expect to tip the guide at the end of the excusion, depends on how good he or she is. For this particular Free Walk group I joined, the guide is friendly with clear English and really knowledgable considering her European history majored background.

Stories make places alive. She told tons of stories along the way. Stories that you don't get to read in the travel guides, stories that go beyond what's told by other tourists. I enjoyed her way  of outlining the city and learned some personal experiences from this American lady on the way.

She said it's a bit challenging to pick Prague as the first stop of Europe since English is not the popular language here. The Cezchs are mostly more aware of foriengers espeiclaly those from free countries. Indifferent maybe the word to describe Cezch people but I came across a lot of locals offer to help along the journy.

Well, sometiems it's all about luuck.

Free Walk takes around 2 hours and covers mostly every major tourist spots. The guide usually holds a placard says Free Walk early in the morning around 9 in the Old Town Square( in front of the information centre). The Walk finishes in the castle area.


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Bone church 2 人骨教堂



於是傳說指出負責看管教堂的半盲修士開始將人骨排列成幾何形狀,有些人聲稱那位修士瀕臨瘋狂狀態.但是人骨教堂能發展出像現今的規模還是要到1870年受Schwarzenberg 家族委託的雕刻師父František Rint,他受命以人骨裝飾教堂來提醒生命的終曲與人人皆難逃這樣的結局.



最後殊途同歸一起在這個偏僻的小鎮教堂裏.若真有after life,他們不知道怎麼看這個教堂呢?



也許就如同教堂工作人員說的,'It’s the living who scare me'!








F. VARGA那裏看到這則由國民黨高雄市議員王鹷嬌發起的抗議陳玫中搬到高雄簽名活動.




又,不讓陳致中搬到高雄會讓誰得利? 他搬去那裏或不搬去那裏跟一般大眾到底有啥關係啊?!

這個遇扁必反的神經錯亂倒底是是怎麼種在這些人的心裏的? 連搬家這種雞毛蕀皮的事都要民代來管?而那些去簽名的人連人民有遷徒居住的自由都不知道?





The bone church人骨教堂





因此要說去bone church的原因是什麼,連我自己都有些說不清楚.


從Prague到Kutna Hura大約是一個小時的車程,我到Florance轉車到Kutna Hura.售票亭小姐照例是張死魚臉,但是我當時已經挺習慣這樣的臉色了.反正不管什麼臉色,該做的事就要做.該問的就得問.






車票上印的platform 號碼就是對應於這根杆子上的號碼(號碼在背面啦! 沒拍到)





走到市中心後到處晃晃, Kutna Hura和布拉格一樣是個相當適合步行的城市.

從市中心到bone church要轉搭當地市內公車才行,問了在Santa Barbara Cathedral的小姐公車位置,(她特別強調教堂中午休息1個小時).方向感不佳的我又是來回走了幾遍問了家水果店老闆順便買了3顆蘋果後才順利找到站牌.在此註記:水果店老闆與公車站旁的送報小姐都很和善,所以還是有很多和善樂於助人的捷克人

公車司機很親切的告訴我bone church的位置,由於仍在教堂午休時間,我便去附近超市找了家咖啡店小坐一會兒,想嚐嚐看起來像是小店特別的點心,無奈語言不通作罷.
































以下這兩首是在youtube找到的過去的演出,不是2009 228的演出片斷.















這種話他怎麼講得出口啊?! 再度驗證這個人不是笨,而是冷血+無恥.

〔中央社〕總統馬英九今晚出席台北市政府舉辦的228紀念音樂會,馬總統在音樂會尾聲登台與演員及觀眾合唱「阮若打開心內的門窗」台語歌曲,期許以寬恕迎向未來。 2009年228紀念音樂會由金枝演社劇團籌畫辦理,知名歌手殷正洋、王昭華、羅思容及巴奈•庫穗,分別以國、台、客 ...

The many WOWs I have in Prague


到達布拉格的第一晚,從 starromaska地鐵站出來, 問了2位捷克女士怎麼走到old town square, 沿著不怎麼寬敞的石子路,吃力的拉著行李,終於走到廣場時,我站著呆立了好幾秒..

wow....I wish you can see this.


視線所及不再是兩旁林立的建築物,而是豁然開朗的廣場.打著燈光的Tyn Cathedral是最佳的地標.我住的Hostel Tyn就在附近.雖然號稱是歐洲最冷的冬季,當晚卻不怎麼冷.街頭上賣藝的2個提琴手,被三三兩兩的觀光客包圍著.雖說是淡季,仍然有相當多來自歐洲的觀光客三兩成群的出來夜遊. 後來我也能深切體會到冬遊捷克的樂趣,簡而言之,就是相對於置身龐大的歷史資產所須付出的代價,對喜歡旅遊的人來說,捷克都是相當划算的目的地.


倒是方向感很差的我,不斷的發現自己處於迷路的狀態.從old town square走到我的第一個住宿點其實應該只有5分鐘的路程,但是卻花了我20分鐘,問了4,5個人都不得其門而入.後來我終於找到時,雙臂已經酸疼的要命.

布拉格的小巷子很多,小巷子中的court yard也很多,往往店家隐身於court yard裏,對不熟悉這樣的建築風格的旅人來說,往往過門而不自知.

像是背包客裏相當受好評的hostel tyn,由於地理位置絶佳,收費又低廉,我付的是700克朗一晚的雙人房.在背包客間很受歡迎.

從舊城廣場到hostle tyn得先走卡夫卡書店旁那個巷子(如下)


接著走左邊那條巷子,會經過一些art shop和一間pub.




穿過corridor 之後會來到一個 courtyard. Hostel Tyn就在這裏.









我知道冬季的布拉格4點就開始入夜了,所以本來就打算做早晨11點的巴士到庫倫洛夫,這樣到達目的地時還不會太黑.沒想到當初在台灣沒有先網購student agency的票是錯誤的,我前一晚要訂時已客滿,只好改搭下一班車.那天晚上走在荒涼又下著大雪的夜裏,先是有個英文很好心腸也好的捷克女孩幫我問路並陪我一邊走到靠近市區的交叉口才離開.接著就是一路領教捷克人指引方向的本事.

提著重得要命的行李箱獨自上下樓梯,在看來無止境的石板路上拖著越來越沉重的行李箱,實在不是愉快的事.等到我終於找到hostel skippy時,我心裡只有一個問題就是-怎麼離開這個鬼地方?

沒想到hostel skippy的主人留著紙條在門上,"午夜才回來"....其他的就不再重覆了.那位在大雪的夜裏熱心得幫我撥電話通知民宿老闆的胖胖男人.我很感謝他.雖然他不懂英語,我不懂捷克語.但是我誠心希望他看得出來我銘感五內的心情.

Well, I should have give him a kiss on the cheek...hehehe

然後是轉戰到Telc,另一個世界遺產小鎮時,一位自願帶我從巴士站走到市中心的捷克男人.我們嘗試著要溝通,但是語言的隔閡實在太大了.從巴士站走到市中心還不是普通的遠,對拖著行李又不清楚方向的旅人來說,更是遠.一路上捷克男人主動幫我拉行李箱.我得承認心裏不是沒有想過 other possibilities,那時連連對著天上聖母祈禱,接著聞到他身上濃濃酒味,再加上幾次狼獊險些絆倒,我從為自己擔心開始為他擔心,心裏想著"天啊,他該不會在途中昏倒在我旁邊吧?!我...不會很想幫他做CPR..."...冬夜裏的捷克小鎮,一路上不超過8個路人,我只能重覆那個僅知的捷克文namesti(意思是廣場)不斷和他確認方向.好不容易終於到了廣場,一片黑暗,那位捷克男士剛好碰到他的朋友(至仍不確定那位是男士還是女士),那位朋友再帶我去就在市中心的民宿.沒想到按了多次門鈴就是沒人應答.那位捷克男士的朋友竟然就熱心的拿出自己的手機撥電話給民宿老闆.


我連連和那兩位捷克朋友道謝,一掃之前在student  agency bus 上的不愉快經驗.


回到布拉格後,搭車前往Kuna Hura著名的人骨教堂,參觀完後,散步走到公車站亭等車回布拉格.




我只好木納又有些尷尬得說...I'm sorry foor that.(這時一同等車的5位捷克老太太們一起轉頭看他)










The good, the bad and the uncategorizable experiences in Prague/Krumlov-I

Traveling doesn't always bring good memories, but those bad ones illuminate the good ones.

I dragged my luggage on the cobble road from Tyn Cathedral to Mustek metro station. It is an agonizing trip. I haven't slept much and didn't have much appetite these days. Let me think, what have I eatten for the last three days? I had a baggute, a honey pie and latte, a bagal and latte this morning. That's all. The funny thing is I don't feel hungry nor tired.

I must say the trip from Praha to Krumlov is the most dramatic moments I had so far. First the info center in Andel told me that student agency is "opposite"(his word) the street.

Well, that's a no. The place to wait for  the student agency bus is on the same side, only it's at the end of the street, 500 meters away from the info center. It proves one more time that Information Centre in Prague really don't help much.

Then I got the dirty looks out of the blue from a young lady serves in Student Agency (a bus company that does long traveling in Praha), she literally gave me that look in front of me! I was more shocked than feeling angry. What did i do? I don't bloody know!!!!

Then after getting off the bus in the dark on the remote road with snow covering everything, I realized that I have to drag my luggage for another 20 minutes, then prolong to 30 minutes, then 1 hour.

Krumlov is a castle city with countless stairs and bridges. It may gives the city a sense of layer but it is definately not good news for lonely travelers. Just imagine you have to lift your luggage when going up and down stairs, covered with slippery melted snow.

Have I been naiive about traveling alone? hmmmm

but here comes the most daring part of asking for help in my whole life.

After listening to a least a dozen of different direction from Czech locals, (including one that simply said no with a firm hand gesture and long face) I finally found the way to Hostel Skippy.

I was tired, frustrated and ....to tell the truth i want to go home.

Then I saw that note clipped on the door of the hostel. "I'll be back by midnight, skippy"


Ah, my god!

It's only 8 and it's snowing badly and i'm cold and my mobile still doesn't work( ok, maybe I should have checked up on that before leaving but i didn't).

I left my luggage on the doorstep and start heading back toward the centre for public phones. I saw a chubby young man with a kind face walked in my direction so I asked him if there's any public phones around here.

He gave me that very shy smile and said something in Czech. I guess he meant he can't understand me, he doesn't speak English. I was desperate, I need help. I need my sence of security back. So i decide to push my luck.

I asked him if he can dial the hostel number with his mobile and I'll pay him.

He finally knew what I meant and start dialing up the number with his phone. I got to talk with Skippy on the phone and viola crisis resolved!

I can't tell you how much I appreciate this shy Czech man's help. I offered to pay. He just walked away with that shy smile and say "no money, no money".

Thank you, Mr. anonymous. I've prayed for you.

Skippy helped me to move my luggage upstairs. My first impression fo Hostel Skippy is ...very homey.

The entrance is not spacious some may even describe it as crowded but I really couldn't care that much then. I just need a place to stay.

Skippy then showed me around the house. My room is pretty big for one person. It faces the river and the view is beautiful. Finally we sat down in the kitchen and she is definately a good listener coz I just poured out all the unpleassant things I experienced so far in Czech to her. She's an attentive listener and quite an artist herself. I was pretty talktive that night for some reason and later on I realize that she's a chatter box herself too!

I'd love to return to Hostel Skippy one day with W. The price is good. The double room is beautiful. The hosts, Skippy and Teresa are both wonderful, helpful and with interesting characters. Maybe that's why Hostel Skippy is famous around backpackers. The place has a character indeed.

However I do have some notes about Hostel Skippy:

1. No internet access in the hostel.

2. The shower is a bit unstable with temperature. It can be quite agonizing to have a shower in cold winter night.

3. It's probably not a good place to stay for people with bigger build.

4. The place is a bit challenging to find for foreigners. Do ask Skippy to tell you the easier way to get to the hostel. Don't take the hard road like me!

Here's a pretty truthful account of Hostel Skippy.

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由於再度確認自己的方向感不行,加上自己搬行李真的很吃力.所以我很早就開始出發至機場.check in時為了行李到底要不要跟著我在韓國下機掙扎了一番.這幾天獨自和15公斤的行李加上背包奮戰,我的雙臂實在疼死了.這時候就開始懷念和w一起旅行了.有個人在旁邊一起努力真好.(布拉格大步份的metro出入口都沒有escalater,我住的hostel與pension也沒有,所以一路上都氣喘噓噓的搬著行李上下樓...一邊搬一邊唸...我怎麼這麼勇啊

我事先查了Prague RUZYNE INTL airport可以使用priority pass的地方.最後選crystal lounge. 這裏提供寬敝的座位並附插座,並有簡單的飲料,小點心等.終於有個地方讓我可以愉快的坐下也沒有語言溝通的問題,並沒有白眼和臭臉.ok ok,不再說捷克人壞話了,這一路上還是碰到很多熱情又主動提供協助的捷克人.

就在今天下午我站在繁忙的新城區街頭,拿著地圖開始準備啟程回旅館領取行李時,有個年約70的老人主動靠近問我: Do you need help?

事實上經過n次的迷路加上有厲害的布拉格立體地圖協助,我已經可以順利的找到目的地了.不過為了讓他有發展長才的機會,我還是請他說明如何回到我住的miss sophie.他說他也有一個台灣朋友,每年都會寄big postcard給他...(big postcard 是什麼東西啊?) 總之,我很愉快的接收他的"指引".




A few facts I learned from my first night in Prague在布拉格的第1晚

1. 我的台灣銀行提款卡確定可以使用!

2. 公車站就在機場出站過馬路就到了.要先在售票機買票,但是顯然不接受紙鈔,只好又折回機場買了一瓶39kc的水換零錢

3. 到transfer的站下車後,轉搭捷運.和台北捷運的標示不同,所以到底該在那一側搭車才能往舊城方向啊? 實在讓我有點疑惑.只好捉個看來年輕可愛的OL問一下.可愛的捷克女郎的英文很棒,又很熱情.她說明怎麼看要在那一側搭車的.



4. Hostel Tyn很難找!至少對我這個路痴而言.問了n個人但一直在同一區轉來轉去.終於找到旅館時我已是在流汗狀態.

5. 並不冷啊? 有點後悔沒帶牛仔褲和短袖來.在室內實在熱得很.

6. Hostel Tyn房間內並無wifi,所以要到廚房才能上網.已用skype 和家人與w報平安.skype真是好東西!



On my way to Praha到布格格的路上_首爾仁川轉機

It was a pretty smooth flight from Taoyuan to Seoul. I was sitting with no one, and so were other seemingly solo-travellers. This is one of the advantages of traveling alone, you are more likely to have your own space if the flight is not full. I watched a movie starred by Diane Lien and Richard Gere after finish my breakfast. Some people age gracefully and they are certainly among them.

After arriving Soul, it took me a while to locate the transfer desk of Korean Air. One of the lady in the counter has pretty good command of Mandarin.

I determined to find a place to use my priority Pas. After going up and down the escalator twice and the information desk didn't really help much, I decided to go back to the lady in the Korean Air. Viola, just around the corner, pass a coffee shop, there's a hub accepts Priority Pass.

The room faciliaties are not much but just enough. Internet services, quite a few selection of food and baverage, most of them are pretty light.

The beauty of it is....I don't have to pay...well, sort of, in exchange with my prior spending;-P

Time to go now.... I'll be in prague 11 hours later!


Flying Korean Air

CIMG1910 It's better to look up the lounge for your priority pass on the internet before you leave for the airport.

Usally they would have a sign on the doorway states who are entitled with the privilege.

The Inchuan airport in Seoul looks new and clean. The toilet  is a bit small, just enough room to squeenze in with a backpack. I don't get the idea of how they managed to design a restroom with spacious asiles but minimum room for each toilet? It's not comfortable at all!

The airport looks pretty spacious and modern but isn't that the same thing to almost every airport in major cities? The Korean Experience Room however, is an interesting stop to have a bit of korean taste if you wish to kill some time while waiting for transfering flight.

It is located in Gate 23. You won't miss it since the decoration is quite exotic. Two beautiful Korean ladies station there to introduce Korean culture to foreigners. On-site handcraft is invovled. I got to make my own miniature of paper folding with the material they offered.





The lady is trying to fix the desaster....okay, i'm really not the material for artist.

CIMG1912 This beautiful Korean lady has pretty good command in Mandarin. She learned the language by watching soapies!

She probably knew more Taiwanese soapies than me!

It is a very simple craft but comes out lovely and impressive. The ladies wear traditional Korean outfit, a bit similar to Kimono. I have to say I absolutely admire its color and style. Somehow this petite Korean experience room improves my prior impression of Korea. Great marketing!

This is also my first time to fly with Korean Air. I was disappointed to find out there's no TV available on board. No movie at all during this 11 hrs of flight! I was planning to have a movie-watching relay! :-(

The flight is nearly half full so I sit alone again. Well, ain't it great to travel in off-season?


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