This is the third week.
I'm healthy, was recognized in some small way, usually optimistic, and my life have been going pretty smoothly. Just cleared up my debt from study abroad and managed to travel to exotic places by myself. I was confident, happy, resourceful and yet here I am struggling to pull myself together for nearly 3 weeks so far.
It started with that damn workshop. I was wrong not to defense myself right then and there. Now I'm on the verge of falling in the big black hole with no sign of light. My pride has been replaced with self-pity and lots of fake smiles.
I've lost my faith and energy in developing myself. I've faced failure before but was never hit that hard. It feels like an endless path with dim light and little hope of seeing something worthy on the way.
10 minutes ago I keyed in"fighting against depression" in google search.
I've never dreamed of one day I'll need to know that.
Part of me is afraid to talk about it with anyone, including my families. Yet part of me hoping I can recorded this process of coming out as a way of self-healing.
The Fight Against Depression