
So Republic of China means Taiwan? Why??

This is a real conversation took place in Ikea.
We've been visiting Ikea frequently recently. Every now and then W would come up something just to test or to annoy me. I'm not sure if it is what he refers as "to nuture my sense of humour"..

W: Hey, this is made in Taiwan!
A: Huh? That's rare?? (so I closely inspect the bottom of a vase) No, People's Republic of China is China! PRC is not Taiwan!
W: So what is the name again?
A: ( I knew he was mocking but can't help get annoyed by this...) Republic of China.
W: So Republic of China means Taiwan, and People's Rublic of China is China? They both have China in the name but neither of them say anything about Taiwan? Why?
A: ehhhhhhhhhhhh

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雖然現在大部份的東西都是中國製造 但我也常發現(應該是我兒子) 這裡還是有不少東西是台灣製造 但很多是台灣的東西加上別國的東西 然後包裝在中國 像奶瓶就是 波璃奶瓶是台灣的 奶嘴卻是馬來西亞的 幫裝卻在大陸

燈管很多是台灣的 也是包裝在大陸

我的孩子們看到一些玩具是Made in Taiwan 都是高興的不得了

現在電視也在談很多東西都變成Made in China 了 相對的品質都是爛的可以 連日本的東西都變成Made in China

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